Monday, June 13, 2011

expect the unexpected, they say.

happy sixteenth tong!

2000, Boscha Bandung w/ Biggie
it hasn't been such an easy ride for us lately, has it? everyday is like a repetition; you keep on telling yourself that things are going to change, but tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes yet everything remains the same. nothing is more painful than waking up every morning, forcing a smile to hide the tears from the night before. you feed yourself with high expectations hoping that things will somehow magically work out by itself but end up crying yourself to sleep when the darkness comes to life. At times it seems like you're doing nothing but bullshitting yourself. trying to make yourself believe that the sun rises from the west and sinks in the east and when Neptunes is hungry he eats half of the moon. trying to make yourself believe that you could make it on your own.
i know you're trying your hardest to change and make everything easier but don't be too hard on yourself, love. the world may seem like a pretty much fucked up place to you now but you shall never forget the 'man' in charge of it. When something bounds to happen, it will happen. have faith in Him, focus on your dream and fight for it, carpe diem baby.
i hope you learn your lessons well from those worthless shits you did and may all your (unspoken) wishes come true.
ghost of your past.

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